Pack Walk SF

Learn more about what’s coming up for pups downtown. 


Join Us for a Walk

Please Note: Walks are currently paw-sed. Please check back soon for more information on when they will resume.

Join the pack as we walk Market Street towards the waterfront

First Thursday of the Month, 6pm

Meeting Spot: Trinity Plaza (1177 Market at 8th)


Leash up your pup and join the dog parade down Market Street towards the waterfront on the first Thursday of each month. Exercise, socialize and see what’s new downtown with our welcoming walking group. Not everyone makes it to the water and that’s okay, there are plenty of multi-tasking possibilities along the way. Those making it the first six blocks can conclude their journey at the Downtown First Thursdays Block Party on 2nd Street; dogs are welcome!


Dogs Love to Socialize With the Pack

Social animals, domestic dogs often still follow their primal instinct to join the pack, and these walks allow them the opportunity to do so in a safe and controlled environment. Dogs who haven’t had positive experiences at dog parks can still experience success on a pack walk, as it  allows time for dogs to build trust and relationship with one another in a structured way that doesn’t allow for problematic exchanges.

Positive For Dogs of All Backgrounds

Walks are rewarding for dogs, think about how many get excited at the mere mention of the word walk! Walks allow dogs to explore their surroundings, and when walking together, enjoy fellow pups, and learn to stay with the group – often not pulling on the leash or falling behind. These packs also allow dogs of differing sizes and backgrounds to socialize, as rough housing between two dogs of different breeds and backgrounds can create problems, walks are enjoyable for all sizes and temperaments.

Exercise For You and Your Dog

We all know dogs need to stretch their legs every day, and we do too, and pack walks are a great way to fill this need. With many City dogs coming from apartments with limited or no outdoor space, walks are even that much more important. Pack walks result in dogs that are more relaxed and easy-going, as they fill the need of moving the body while settling into a calm walking energy, which is shared among the pack. And when they return home, pack walk dogs are often more relaxed and less stressed.